Sammie Welch was traveling with her threeyearold son Rylan from Birmingham to Plymouth last Thursday.She tried to keep him entertained on the threeandahalfhour journey."He was eating his dinner!We were laughing at the fact that he kept calling his grapes strawberries."Ms Welch said."We were playing together and I was trying to keep him quiet.He normally gets quite bored and rowdy on the train.So I was doing my best to entertain him as much as I could."
After finishing his dinner,the boy fell asleep on the seat next to her mother.When a man boarded the crowded train,the mother pulled her son onto her lap(膝盖).So the man could sit down.Ms Welch,an unemployed IT technician,made her son move for another passenger.After a few minutes,an unknown stranger walked past and handed Ms Welch a note and money before getting off the train straight away.In the note,the passenger called himself"Man on the train at table with glasses and hat".He praised the mother's behavior and left her £5 to buy herself a drink.
Ms Welch,23,who comes from Crewe but now lives in Plymouth,said she didn't find out the stranger's name and created a Facebook page to find him."I never had the chance to thank him as he got off.And I couldn't move due to my son being asleep on me,"she wrote on the social networking site."I don't think what I have done is a big matter.I would love to have the opportunity to thank this man personally.So I hope this message could help me find him."
【语篇解读】 Sammie Welch女士在带着孩子坐火车时将睡着的孩子抱到自己腿上为其他乘客让座,她善良的行为得到了回报。
1.What was the aim of Ms Welch's playing with Rylan?
A.Teaching the right name of grapes.
B.Feeding him as much as possible.
C.Making him feel fun on the train.
D.Letting him learn something new.
C [细节理解题。由第一段的"She tried to keep him entertained on the threeandahalfhour journey."可知,她陪儿子玩是为了让孩子在火车上不感到