2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3优化学案:Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period 3
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3优化学案:Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period 3第1页

 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Period 3



1.Well,towards nightfall I found myself carried_out to sea by a strong wind.(P18)嗯,夜晚来临的时候,我发现自己被一阵强风刮进了海里。句中"found myself carried out..."为"find+复合宾语"结构。

  "carry out"与宾语myself之间为被动关系。

  When he came to himself,he found himself surrounded by a group of boys.




He finds the book very interesting.他发现这本书很有趣。

He found himself walking in the rain.他发现他自己在雨中散步。

Some students find it not easy to understand English grammar.一些学生发现理解英语语法不容易。


①He was about to open the door when he found his key losing.

②When I came in,I found her seating at the back of the classroom. .Com]

③The driver found a dead dog lie on the highway.

2.fault n.过错;缺点;毛病;故障 It was all my fault.(P18)这都是我的错。

归纳拓展:find fault with...挑剔;对......吹毛求疵

小试牛刀:①__________ the job is my own __________.丢了这份工作是我自己的错。

②He is always___________________others. 他总是找别人的茬。

3.The next morning I'd_just_about_given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.(P18) 第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。

本句运用了"had just done...when..."这个句型。此结构意为:刚做完......,这时......。


  sb.was doing sth.when...某人正在做某事,这时(另一件事情发生了)

  sb.had just done... when...某人刚做完......这时......

sb.was about to do sth.when...某人正要做某事,这时(另一件事情发生了)