2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案设计:Unit 5 Section 3
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案设计:Unit 5 Section 3第1页




原句感知 自主探究 ①It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true.

②As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.

③With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

④Dollywood shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture.

⑤People come from all over America to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the old­fashioned way.

⑥It is world­famous for having the most length in the smallest space.

⑦If you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting area is a good place to visit. (1)合成词:将两个单词合并在一起,形成一个新的单词(句③wherever为副词,副词+副词;句⑤名词+名词,形容词+过去分词,句⑥名词+形容词;句⑦名词+名词)

(2)派生词:在词根前加后缀(句①、④形容词,加­al;句②名词,加­ment; 句③attraction, 名词,加­ion)

(3)转化法:将动词转化为名词(句③wonder动词,转化为名词)   [语法剖析]


语法点一 合 成   由两个或更多的词合成一个词,有的用连字符"­"连接,有的直接写在一起,还有的由分开的两个词构成。


构成方式 举例 构成方式 举例 名词+名词 weekend周末 动词+名词 postcard明信片 名词+动词 daybreak破晓 动词­ing+名词 waiting­room候车室 名词+动词­ing handwriting书法 形容词+名词 fastfood快餐   2.合成形容词

构成方式 举例 构成方式 举例 名词+动词­ing English­ speaking讲英语的 形容词+名词 part­time


名词+动词­ed state­owned

国有的 形容词+动词­ing good­looking

相貌好的 副词+动词 Widespread

分布广的 形容词+名词+­ed warm­hearted
