2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 3 A taste of English Humour Period 3
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 3 A taste of English Humour Period 3第1页

Unit 3 A taste of English humour

Period 3 Discovering useful structure & Using Language(1)



1.Help the students gain the ability to use the useful words and expressions from the context. 

2. Help the students learn something about the usage of -ing form. 


1. Enable students to know the use of ing form as the attributive, predicative and object complement correctly.

2. Develop students' speaking and cooperating abilities

3. Strengthen students' great interest in learning word-formation.

4. . Get the students to sum up the grammatical rules themselves.


1. How to grasp and apply the usage of -ing form.

2. How to gain the ability to use the key words and expressions from the context.

IV. 教学过程

I:Discovering useful words and expressions. 

T:Just now we had great fun telling jokes and stories. Let's move on to the Discovering useful words and expressions part. I'd like you to do Exercises 1、2 and 3 first individually, as I think they are easy for you to finish them, and then we will check the answers together. 

A few minutes later. 

T:Let's check the answers together. 

Keys to Exercise 1 on Page 19:

Alternative expressions Words and expressions from the text break down food using teeth chew outer covering of a body or plant skin