2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化学案:必修④ Unit 3 单元检测B——完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语优化学案:必修④ Unit 3  单元检测B——完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练第1页

  必修④ Unit 3



  Do you get to play with any neat toys at school? As more and more schools take advantage of new __1__to make learning easier, you may get the chance to __2__ personal computers, laptops or maybe even smartphones in the classroom.

  __3__ were not always as well­equipped as they can be today, though. Before students had pencils and paper, they often used slates (石板), which were__4__, handheld blackboards that they could write on with chalk. In fact, the classroom chalkboard didn't__5__ until the late 1800s. It must have been __6__ for teachers to be able to write on a large surface that the entire class could see at the same time. While chalkboards __7__ seem like a thing of the past today, they were cutting­edge (最尖端的) technology at one time!

  Over the years as new technologies__8__, new items were slowly added to classrooms as __9__figured out how they could be used to __10__ the learning experience.

  Copying machines revolutionized classrooms__11__ they came along in the mid­1900s. Being able to __12__students copies of lessons for homework and studying expanded the classroom__13__ its walls and the usual school day.

  The use of audio tapes and headphones in the classroom made learning foreign languages__14__. They also helped students with vision or reading __15__, since they could now listen to lessons rather than __16__them.

  There are hundreds of other __17__ of educational technology over the years. In the past couple of decades, though, schools have __18__ a great increase in the use of cutting­edge, modern technology in the classroom.

  With the invention of the personal computer, education got a great __19__. When you factor in (把......考虑在内) the Internet, modern education looks__20__ than it did when your parents were in school.


  1.A.technology         B.discovery

  C.thought D.design

  解析:选A 下文提到计算机、笔记本以及智能手机等,这些东西表明了新科学技术(technology)的发展。

2.A.buy B.borrow