
  Module 2 课下能力提升(六)



  1.The secretary arranged a ________ (方便的) time and space for the applicants to have an interview.

  2.The art museum is planning to ________ (展示) the new paintings it has bought.

  3.I love travelling and my next ________ (目的地) might be Tibet.

  4.Nowadays many countries begin to ________ (探索) space.

  5.To solve the traffic jams, many countries are trying to ________ (限制) the number of cars.

  6.Liu Hulan was a ________ (worth) daughter of the party.

  7.Is there a ________ (connect) between smoking and lung cancer?

  8.He entered the room without ________ (permit).

  9.What made an ________ (impress) on me was his intelligence.

  10.There are many parks and playgrounds for kids in ________ (suburb) areas.


  under construction, in no time, provide ...for, be connected to, on display, for convenience, get around, be stuck in

  1.What a pity they ____________ the traffic jam.

  2.The news quickly ____________ that Mo Yan went back to his hometown.

  3.We bought this house ____________; it's near the school.

  4.This printing machine ____________ the computer.

  5.It's important to ________ good education ________ the young.

  6.Because many roads have been destroyed in the earthquake, the new ones are ____________.

  7.After the accident, the injured were taken to the nearest hospital ____________.

  8.The necklace ____________ is said to belong to a queen living in the 19th century.



  The teacher didn't ________________ the reason why I was late.


  ________________, and you'll find a way.


  The students ________________ were those who often helped others.


  The book ________________.


  Standing on the top of the hill, you can ____________ the whole city.



  Congratulations on deciding to visit the Big Apple. Whether you choose to spend time in the Metropolitan Museum of Art or an S&M club in the west Village, or both, you're in for quite an experience. NYC(New York City) isn't nearly as crazy or dangerous as movies make it out to be, so relax and enjoy its intrinsic (本质的) weirdness.

  Instructions to get there

  New York City, being a major metropolis, can be accessed in many ways: by plane, train, bus or car.

  Flying: There are three major airports people usually fly into when traveling to New York. La Guardia is the closest to Manhattan, and is located in the borough of Queens. JFK international Airport is also in Queens, but a little farther from Manhattan. Newark is in New Jersey and is by far the farthest from the city.

Train: Amtrak (美国铁路公司) trains arrive constantly in Penn Station, which is located at 7th Avenue and 34th Street. Penn Station is conveniently located in the heart of Manhattan and can be accessed via subway and taxis. Metro North, a light­rail system that runs from Connecticut to New