2019学年度人教版选修八Unit4 Pygmalion the second period Language Points教案设计(3页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit4 Pygmalion the second period Language Points教案设计(3页word版)第1页

2019学年度人教版选修八Unit4 Pygmalion the second period Language Points教案设计


Learn the language points and some important sentence patterns.


1. work out 计算出,设法弄懂,精心制定出,逐渐解决,按某种方式发展。

1) You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers.

2....an expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a person's English decides his/her position in society

(1) Convince vt. to cause to believer or feel certain; to persuade 说服;使相信,说动 (某人)

We convinced him to go by train rather than plane.

2)(be) convinced + of 短语/ that 从句意思是"坚信...";"确信..."。例如:

I am convinced of his guilt.

3) convince (vt.) sb + of 短语/that 从句,"使...坚信..."; "使...确信..."。

Convinced adj.坚信的,意志坚定的Convincing adj.令人心服的

3. set (1) vt. 安排;布置(岗哨);定(时间、标准);创造(记录);专心于1) Set guards around the gate.

(2) vt. 使――做某事;使――处于某状态