
Review of Units 1-3


Part A

一、 教学目标

1. 语言知识目标

(1) 认读26个字母;

(2) 掌握26个字母的自然拼读音;

(3) 掌握开音节和闭音节的拼读规则。

2. 语言技能目标

(1) 根据读音规则认读开闭音节生词;(见词能读)

(2) 根据读音规则拼写开闭音节生词;(听音能写)

3. 情感态度目标


二、 教学重难点


三、 教学过程

教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计理念 Step1 Warming-up 1. Show the picture of The Voice of China, and divide the class into four groups: Group Q, Group W, Group N, Group Y.

2. Show the video of the phonics song, ask the whole class to sing the song.

3. Ask the four groups to sing one part of the song.

4. Ask some students to sing the song in front of the whole class. 1. Talk about The Voice of China.

2. Sing the phonics song.

3. One group sing one part of the song.

4. Some students to sing the song in front of the whole class. 以时下最热门的节目《中国好声音》引入课堂,既能吸引学生的注意力,又自然地将学生分为四个战队,为接下来的活动做铺垫。

本课时为复习课,因此,对于phonics 这首歌,除了集体合唱这一形式以外,还采取小组拉歌,个人展示等方式,活跃气氛的同时,也扩大了参与面。 Step2 Presentation 1. Show five vowels: A, E, I, O, U, ask students talk about the sounds of the five letters in close syllable.

2. Ask students to talk about the sounds of the five letters in open syllable.

3. Ask students to make a conclusion of the open syllable and the close syllable. 1. Talk about the sounds of the five letters in close syllable.

2. Talk about the sounds of the five letters in open syllable.

3. Make a conclusion of the open syllable and close syllable. 从歌曲引入到五个元音字母的在闭音节中的发音,进而在讨论在开音节中的发音。最后让学生根据所学自己归纳开音节和闭音节的规则。