2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修4学案:Unit 4
2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修4学案:Unit 4第1页

  Ⅱ.重点短语 【导学号:10642020】

  1.________ ease      舒适;快活;自由自在

  ________one's ease 使某人放松一下

  ________ease 轻易地;毫不费力地

  2.________ face 丢脸

  ________face 保全面子;有脸面

  ________the face of 面对......;在......面前

  face ________ face 面对面;相对

  be faced ________ 面对......;面临......

  3.turn one's back ________ 背对

  turn ________ 调低;拒绝

  turn ________ 调大;出现;露面

  turn ________ 结果证明是

  turn ________ 转向......;向......求助

  【答案】 1.at;take;with 2.lose;save;in;to;with 3.to;down;up;out;to


  1.________________(第一个到达的人)was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.

  2.________________(并非所有的文化背景)greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.

3.It is possible to "read" others around us,________ (即使) they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication.