2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 2 Language Period 1-2 Word study》
2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修三教学设计(江苏省专用)《Unit 2  Language Period 1-2 Word study》第1页

1. confusing / puzzling

confusing:指两个或以上的事物因有相似之处而"令人混淆、模糊不清、难以理解",(difficult to understand, not clear)

e.g. The constructions on the box are very confusing.

This is a confusing word because it has two opposite meanings.


e.g. For me, some English words are confusing, but not puzzling.

The situation was more puzzling than ever before.

2. be made up of / be made of / be made from / be made out of

be made up of:由......组合/装而成

e.g. Our class is made up of 45 students, 22 boys and 23 girls.

A watch is made up of more than 200 parts.

be made of:由......制成,(是一种形态、物理变化,由成品上可以看出原材料)。

e.g. The table is made of oak wood.

A house made of stones lasts long.

be made from:由......制成,(是一种性质、化学变化,成品上已看不出原材料)。

e.g. The fine paper is made from bamboo.

Butter is made from milk.

be made out of:由......改制而成/从......中提炼而成

e.g. She made two baby shirts out of her overcoat.

Plastic can be made out of oil.

3. invade:vt. 侵略......、涌入、侵犯(人权、私生活等)

e.g. In 1939 Germany invaded Poland suddenly.

Many tourists invaded the seaside city every summer.

It's against the law to invade a person's privacy.

invasion:n. 入侵、侵扰;invader:n. 入侵者; invasive:adj. 有侵略性的

4. create:vt. 创造、创作、引起(事端)

e.g. Every man is created equal.

Christians believe that God created the world.

The famous writer has created many moving characters in his novels.

A small stamp created an awkward political crisis.

creation:(u) 创造、创作;(c) 作品、产物

e.g. the creation of a new country, a creation of imagination, a man full of creation

creative:adj. 创造力的、独创的 e.g. a creative writer, a creative idea

5. officer / official

officer:n. 一般指军队官员,解释为"军官、警察、警官",也可指"公务员"。

e.g. He is an officer in the army.

I was driving slowly along, you see, officer, when the man appeared suddenly and ...

official:n. 一般指政府官员、公司职员。

e.g. A government official will come to inspect our company.