原创《Module2 Unit1 She's reading a book》教学设计免费下载
原创《Module2 Unit1 She's reading a book》教学设计免费下载第1页

 Module 2

Unit 1 She's reading a book .


1. 重点句型: 1)This is ...2)She's reading a book . 3)He's taking pictures .

2. 重点词汇:she's ; he's ; read -reading ;take-taking; swim-swimming; run-running .

教学重点难点 重点:

1、This is my friend Maomao .

2. She's reading a book .

3. He's taking pictures.

难点:She's=She is ; He's = He is ; take - taking ;run - running; swim -swimming

一、 热身复习与导入新课

1 .Warm up : a. Greeting

二、 新课学习

1、Activity 1 活动1的学习 (课本P.8)让学生打开课本看插图,并认读句子;然后让学生分组、分角色指图朗读句子。

2.、Activity 2 的学习


A. 老师将 He , she ,"' s "写在黑板上,并板书箭头 is ; Tell the students this is the short form of "is".然后让学