北师大高中英语单词全记牢Unit 21 human biology
编者说明:本识字卡以单元为单位,词性集中,结合本单元语法,形成句子。要求单词和句子全部会背,单词量和语法全面提高.高在( )和 上译成相应的汉语
名词目的1.牢记单词 2.灵活掌握混合虚拟语气。
1.kidney肾脏 记忆法 拆解kid+ney2.liver:['livə] 拆解
The function of his liver and kidney would decline without proper treat
3.interval:['intəvəl] 间隔;距离[(+between)] 拆解
The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters.
4.mineral:['minərəl] 矿物 矿物的,矿质的拆解
5.hearing:['hiəriŋ] 听力;听觉[U] 拆解
6.threat:[θret] 威胁,恐吓[C][U][+to-v] 构成威胁的人(或事物)[S][(+to)] 拆解
Taking too many tie tablets is a threat to your hearing
7.tablet:['tæblit] 药拆解
8.pill:[pil] 药丸,药片[C]
She can't go to sleep without sleeping pills every night
9.pulse:[pʌls] n. [C] 脉搏;脉的一次跳动
10.impulse:['impʌls] 冲动,一时的念头脉冲;冲量
11.prescription:[pris'kripʃən] 处方,药方;处方上开的药[C]
The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription.
12.track and field田径
13.dash:[dæʃ] 短跑[C][S1]
He finished first in the 100-meter dash.
14.marathon:['mærəθɑn] 马拉松赛跑(全长42.195公里)
15.miniature :['miniətʃə] 小型的;微型的;小规模的[B] 拆解
The little girl has miniature furniture for her dolls.
16.emotion [i'məuʃən] 感情,情感[C]
Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.
17.entry:['entri] 进入,入场;出赛,参加[C][U][(+into)]
He supported that country's entry into the European Common Market
18.scan:[skæn] 粗略地看;浏览拆解
He scanned the headlines of the evening paper
19.storage:['stɔ:ridʒ] 贮藏,保管拆解
20.cancer:['kænsə] 癌,恶性肿瘤;癌症[C][U]
The doctors are making an attempt to prevent cancer cells spreading.
21.empire:['empaiə] 帝国[C I am scared at the sacred empire
trial:['traiəl] 试;试用;试验[C][U]
The trials show that smoking will do harm to people
22.pause:[pɔ:z] 暂停,中断,间歇[C]
If there had not been any pause yesterday, everything would return to normal now.
23.statistic:[stə'tistik] 统计量;统计数值
A fever is a symptom of illness