2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案: Unit 2 Healthy Eating Period 3 教学设计(2)
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修3教案:  Unit 2 Healthy Eating Period 3 教学设计(2)第1页

   Students have learnt the basic usage of several modal verbs in Unit 1, their meanings and how to use them to show intention, duty, permission, possibility, guessing and ability, which sets foundation for their further understanding of the targeted modal verbs.


How to train the students to master and use modal verbs.


Step I Revision: Review what has been learnt in previous lessons. Make clear that we can use modal words in a sentence to show "intention, duty, permission, possibility, guessing and ability". Provide some examples if necessary.

1. can and could

Jim isn't very good at math or science, but he can speak English very well.

The hunters have been lost for days. They could starve.

Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park.

2. may and might

What award did you get for the sports competition? May I have a look?

Our football team didn't play very well today, but we might do better tomorrow.

3. will and would

During the Spring festival time the whole family will come for dinner.

My uncle was poor but liked fashion, so he would often dress up as a rich man.

Are you free this Saturday? Would you like to join my family for dinner?

4. shall and should

The harvest festival begins on Sunday. We shall be there with our friends before that.

When going by plane, you should arrive at the airport at least one hour early.

It's nearly time for class to start. The teacher should be here soon.

5. must and can't

When you eat fish, you must be careful with bones.

Wang Feng has won the English competition three times. He must be very smart.

A man landed on Mars? You must be joking. That can't be true.

Step Ⅱ Underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and label each sentence with the function of the modal verbs used-intention, duty, permission, possibility, guessing and ability. (page13, Exercise 1)

1. Underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of modal verbs.

Intention Duty Permission Possibility Guessing Ability