2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案Life and relaxation
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修1Unit1 学案Life and relaxation第1页

Life and relaxation

Sometimes the best thing in life to do is just to let things flow. What does this mean? The word "flow" means to let things happen. During the Spring Festival holiday, I

was in Xiamen vacationing. I have not felt so relaxed in years and to my surprise my

ideas were clearer and I had an unbelievable amount of energy.

I thought about last year. While it was a good year, I determined that a lot of the issues I worried about, I was actually not able to control. My mind switched back to how

good I felt on vacation and how clear my ideas were when I was relaxed.

I promised myself that this year would be different. I am not going to get so excited

about everyday events and instead just let things flow. I figure I can't go wrong with my new approach. Even if relaxation doesn't help me be more productive, I will not

spend my time worrying so much and therefore have more time to look around me

and notice all the beautiful things that life has to offer.

My friends, hopefully this year you will also take some time to notice the beauty of

life and find the happiness and success you are looking for.