

Scientific Breakthroughs in the 21st Century

  It is predicted that there will be 5 scientific breakthroughs in the 21st century.

  We'll know where we came from.Why does the universe exist?To put it another way,why is there something instead of nothing?Since the 1920s,scientists have known the universe is expanding,which means it must have started at a definite time in the past.We will have a better understanding of how matter behaves at the extremely high temperatures and pressures of the early universe.

  We'll crack(破译) the genetic code and conquer cancer.As scientists learn more about the genetic code,many serious diseases,like cancer,will become less threatening.Using manufactured viruses,doctors will be able to replace cancer-causing damaged DNA with healthy genes,probably administered by a pill or injection.

  We'll live longer.If the normal aging process is basically an invisible contest in our cells-a contest between damage to our DNA and our cells' ability to repair that damage-then 21st-century strides(发展) in genetic medicine may let us control and even reverse the process.

  We'll "manage" the Earth.In the next millennium,we'll stop talking about the weather but will do something about it.We'll gradually learn how to predict the effects of human activity on the Earth,its climate and its ecosystems.

  We'll have a brain "road map".Early in the next century,we will use advanced forms of magnetic resonance imaging(磁共振成像) to produce detailed maps of the neurons(神经元) in operation.We'll be able to say with certainty which ones are working when you read a word,when you say a word,when you think about a word,and so on.


1.In the future we will have a better understanding of how matter behaves of the early universe.(T)

2.We can control the action of the planets in the universe.(F)

3.We will operate on people much easier with a brain "road map".(T)