《Unit2 It will snow in Harbin》教案教学设计免费下载
《Unit2 It will snow in Harbin》教案教学设计免费下载第1页

Unit 2It will snow in Harbin.

教学内容:教材第11 -13页


1. 能听说并认读:tomorrow will

2. 能听懂、会说并认读:It will snow. It will be sunny.之类的语句。

3. 能准确书写:snow rain sunny windy等。

4.能运用 How's the weather in ......tomorrow? It will snow. It will be sunny.之类的语句谈论将来的天气状况。

教学过程 :


一 、 Warm-up

1. Greetings:

2. Let's enjoy a song: How is the weather? ( 播放课本CD)

3. Review the five words: snow rain sunny windy cloudy

① Look and say quickly: (看卡读词:看图说词)

② Listen , draw and show quckly.(听单词画天气符号)

4. Free talk:

T: How's the weather today? 引导学生根据实际情况回答:It's sunny.(windy,cloudy,raining,snowing) 同时板书此问句。

T: (课件显示城市及天气状况)Look!How's the weather in Beijing today?

S: It's.......

示范之后,找学生当小老师进行提问。(此时通过图片认识Hong Kong)

二 、 Presentation

导入:T:How's the weather today? ......How about tomorrow?How's the weather tomorrow?(此时将板书中的today换成tomorrow)


(一).Watch,listen and answer:播放课本CD

1. How many cities do you hear?

2. What are they?

(二). Watch and listen again, then answer these questions.

1. How's the weather in Shenyang tomorrow?