2019-2020学年度人教版必修一Unit3 Travel journal Period1Warming up and reading教案(16页word版)
2019-2020学年度人教版必修一Unit3 Travel journal Period1Warming up and reading教案(16页word版)第1页

2019-2020学年度人教版必修一Unit3 Travel journal Period1Warming up and reading教案



  This is the first period of this unit. This unit is about travel,so the teacher can first brainstorm the words or phrases about travel. Since there are some new words for the names of the countries and cities in Southeast Asia,the teacher can first deal with them with the help of a map. Then Ss are supposed to find out the one-way fare to get to the destination for different kinds of transportation. This task gives Ss a chance to practise getting information through the Internet. Later Ss are required to talk in pairs about the following six questions:(1)When are you leaving?(2)How are you going to...?(3)When are you arriving in/at...?(4)Where are you staying?(5)How long are you staying in...?(6)When are you coming back?This part is designs to smooth away Ss' difficulty in understanding the present continuous for future use.

  To lead in the text,the teacher can ask Ss to discuss why a river is great or what a river can be used for. Then tell Ss the Mekong is a great river like the Changjiang River,and it is the birthplace of old civilization and lifeblood of the Southeast Asia.

Reading skills are very important for senior students. For the first reading,we intend to cultivate Ss' skimming ability. They are required to