【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》第1页

Teaching goals

1. Target language

1 General introduction of the Passive voice.

2. Modal verbs and the passive voice

3. Verbs often used in Passive Voice

2. Ability goals

Enable the students to get a general understanding of the passive voice.

3.Learning ability goals

Help the students to learn how to use the passive voice in a reporting article.

Teaching important points

The use of the passive voice

Teaching difficult points

How to teach the students to use passive voice in different tenses.

Teaching methods

Explaining and practicing

Teaching aids

A computer and a blackboard

Teaching procedures & ways

Step I Revision

Have a revision of the abstract nouns

Step II. Grammar

In this step the students will learn the interchange between the passive voice and the active voice, the basic verb form of the passive voice, and some special passive patterns

. Point out the verb, the subject and the object in the following sentences:

We keep food in the fridge.

The boy broke the glass.

We must close the windows and the door

Change these sentences into the passive voice:

We keep food in the fridge.

The boy broke the glass.

You must close the windows and the door.

How can we change a sentence into passive voice ?

1. Find out the subject of the sentence and use it as the subject of the sentence with the passive voice.

2. Decide the tense of the sentence and use the related form of its passive.

3. If necessary, use"by" to join the former subject, which should be put into its object form.

When do we use the passive voice ?