《Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake》教学设计教案4
《Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake》教学设计教案4第1页

Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

Teaching objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. know more new words.eg: milk shake, yogurt, watermelon, ice-cream, ingredient, blender, teaspoon, peel, pour.

2. ask and answer questions about How many.../How much...do we need?

3. know the process that how to make a banana milk shake.

4. know the food culture differences between east and west.

5. motivate students' operability.

Key point: learn vocabulary and sentence about making milk shake.

Difficult point: learn and describe the process of making milk shake.

Teaching aids: blackboard, PPT, pictures.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: a) warm up: ask questions.


) students draw pictures of fruit they favorite on paper.

c) teacher summarizes, and writes the words on board.

Step2: a) use pictures to introduce the words.

b) introduce the usage of verb.(turn on, cut up, drink, peel, pour, put.)

c) let's see how to make a banana milk shake. What ingredients do we need? Teach ingredient/yogurt.

What tools do we need? Teach blender/process.

Step 3:a)listen 1b.

b ) practice communication. Use words (first, then, next, and finally.)

Step 4:a)show the pictures and say: we are going to talk about fruit salad. Do you like it? To make fruit salad, what do we need?

b)listen 2a,2b. then practice it.(how much.../how many...)

c)make a kind of fruit salad by yourself and share with your classmates.