【精品学案】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案:Unit4 Public Transport -Task
【精品学案】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语选修7学案:Unit4 Public Transport -Task第1页


Teaching aims

Practise listening, speaking, reading and writing skills

Skills building 1

Listening to instructions

When you are listening to instructions, you will need to listen for key structures that will tell you what to do. Here are some key structures to listen for:

       Decide how to...

       You should phone /fax/e-mail...

       Have a look at/on...

       You will need to check...

       You will have to go...

       Ask the assistant/teacher...

       Please send a letter/an e-mail/a fax to...

       Remember to tell him/her/them that...

       Remind him/her/ them that...

Words and phrases:

coast n. ____________(adj.) departure n./ adj. ______________(vi.)

加速 ____________________ 冲掉 __________________

在修理中 ________________ 加上,除外 ____________________

一线希望 _________________ 以。。。速度_____________________


1. 我们从飞机上往下看,可以看到中国漫长的海岸线。

____________________ from the plane, we could see ____________________.

2. 他的眼中闪现着愤怒。

His eyes _______________ anger.

3. Tom 因超速行车被罚款。

Tom was fined for _____________.