2019学年度北师大版Unit21Lesson1Warm­up & Super Athletes学案设计(9页word版答案含有解析)
2019学年度北师大版Unit21Lesson1Warm­up & Super Athletes学案设计(9页word版答案含有解析)第1页

2019学年度北师大版Unit21Lesson1Warm­up & Super Athletes学案设计


  1.If you're both going to lie,at least stick to the same story and don't ________(矛盾)each other!

  2.It's against the rules that officials________(滥用)their power to control the market.

  3.The leaders tried to run away from________(有争议的)issues by pretending to be ill.

  4.Winning an Olympic gold medal is the________(最高的)honor for every athlete.

  5.The drivers will be punished if they ________(违反)traffic regulations.

  6.The________(年度的)average temperature here is 24 ℃.

  7.Honesty is the________(根本的)cause of his success.

  8.I ________(反对)his using the office telephone for the private affairs.

  9.In addition to ________(义务的)subjects,there are also optional subjects in most universities.

  10.I cannot ________(容忍)anyone laughing at me in public.


  1.You shouldn't________any rule when playing games.

  A.offend      B.annoy

  C.violate D.disturb

  2.(2013·开封高二检测)Parents must allow their children to receive________education by law.

  A.traditional B.primary

  C.compulsory D.cultural

  3.-Why do you leave the famous factory?

  -I can't tolerate________for 12 hours every day.

  A.working B.to work

C.work D.to working