2017-2018学年人教版 选修六 Unit 3 Healthy life-Using language教案
2017-2018学年人教版 选修六 Unit 3 Healthy life-Using language教案第1页

高二选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life

  Lesson Plan

Designer:Tian Yan Yinchuan Tanglai Hui Middle School

银川唐徕回民中学 田燕

Topic:Unit 3 A healthy life

  The Fourth Period speaking and listening

  Book:New Senior English for China Student's book Book 6



本单元的中心话题是"健康生活",内容涉及健康的基本体现(身心健康)等。本 课我主要围绕"青少年身心健康"这一中心话题设计了一堂听说课,巩固阅读中的重点词汇以及训练本单元的表示建议的句型。

  The central topic of this unit is "a healthy life", concerning both physical and mental fitness. I design a speaking and listening class fixing on the topic to consolidate the key words and structures about giving suggestions as well.


课程伊始通过歌曲的播放来引出本课的主题:a healthy life.



Listening环节为了检验学生对主题思考的深入程度,利用几段音频材料帮助学生了解当前青少年中主要存在的不健康生活方式。 其中可引导学生从一个医生的角度来提出这些青少年生活习惯的不妥之处并给出合理化建议。





Crucial points: Lead the students to think out some unhealthy living ways among adolescents and train their speaking and listening ability by using "be addicted to, obesity, mental, drug, adolescent", etc.