广东省高明实验中学高中英语必修一北师大版学案:Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm up&lesson1
广东省高明实验中学高中英语必修一北师大版学案:Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm up&lesson1第1页

序号 课题 课型 讲学时间 班级 姓名 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up&lesson1 第 周 【学习目标】Learning Objectives: Students will be able to

1. Get ideas about lifestyle by the words preparation.

2. Obtain information about lifestyle by listening.

3. Talk about different people's lifestyles.


1. List out English words of jobs.

医生_____________; 老师:_____________; 足球运动员:_____________;

学生:___________;经理:____________; 牧羊人:_____________;

警察:________________; 作家:____________;会计:______________;

工厂工人:___________; 农民:_____________;家庭主妇:__________.

2. List out English words describing the lifestyles. e.g.: boring(无聊的)

忙碌的____________; 危险的:____________; 有趣的_____________;

简单的__________; 令人兴奋的_______________;自由的:____________;

平静的:_______________轻松的:______________;充满压力的:____ ____________;


★(B层选做)3. Describe your mother's lifestyle with the sentence beginning with my mother is ... and try to write as many sentences as possible.

My mother a(n)__ _________________ _____________________________________


