原创《Module4 Unit2 Will it be hot in Haikou》教案教学设计
原创《Module4 Unit2 Will it be hot in Haikou》教案教学设计第1页

琉寺联校小学英语集备 外研版(三年级起)小学英语 四 年级 下 册 第 四 模块 第 二 单元 使用人 课题 Will it be hot in Haikou? 课型 New 主备人 教学

目标 知识与技能:1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy

2. Sentences: Will it be hot in Haikou?

Yes, it will. / No, it won't.

3. Using "will" to describe weather in the future.

过程与方法:Describing weather in the future and talking about weather.

情感、态度和价值观:用英语进行对天气的预想 教学

重点 1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy

2. Sentences: Will it be windy in Beijing?

Yes, it will. / No, it won't.


难点 Using "will" to describe weather in the future. 教学过程 Step 1: Warming up


2:Say a chant.师生跟着音乐伴奏做动作并齐说以下chant:

It's sunny today.(用手比划一个圆太阳)

It's hot today. (用手做扇子状)

It's windy today. (两手向一侧甩)

It's cold today. (做哆嗦状)

It's raining today. (做撑伞的动作)

It's snowing today. (做接雪花的动作)


1: T: What's the weather like today?学习单词weather

Ss: Cloudy.学习单词cloudy.同时把学生分成cloudyA team and cloudyB team.

T: Yes, Can you find out anything about the weather?



T: In our lives, We use some weather symbols. Do you know these symbols? What's their meaning?教师出示表示天气图标的幻灯片。

T: Now you can take out your weather symbols cards. Discuss their meaning in groups.

T: What's this for? Ss: windy......(学生抢答,师根据回答把单词windy sunny.......写在黑板上。

T: Now, Let's read them one by one.

3: 导入新课

T: What will the weather be like tomorrow?

T: Robots know the weather tomorrow.Now, Let's have a look.学习句型It will........

T: Now, look at the map .listen and think. What will the weather be like in Beijing?教师引导学生说出完整句型:It will be windy in Beijing. 同时板书句型。课件展示明天的天气预报表,让学生练习It will....... 句型。让学生看板书读句子,在读be windy. be hot. rain. snow.be cloudy.时,在下面划横线,让学生找出不同。


4:Listen and repeat.

5:学习Will it...... ?句型以及回答Yes, it will. No, it won't.


让一个学生上台面朝黑板,抽取教师手中的表示天气和城市的单词卡,让台下所有的同学用Will it.......句型来询问台上的同学,如:Will it be hot in Beijing ?如果单词卡后面是笑脸就回答Yes, it will. 如果是哭脸就回答 No, it won't.

Step4: Consolidation


Hello, I'm__________.I will report the weather.

It will__________in________.


Step5: Summary


Step6: Homework
