英语:unit2 what is happiness to you?-task学案(牛津译林版选修6)
英语:unit2 what is happiness to you?-task学案(牛津译林版选修6)第1页

Unit 2 What is happiness to you?



1. They often rely on emotional words and negative images. (P26) 他们通常使用表示情感的词和消极的比喻。

 rely on

 phrasal verb 1) to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or sth. in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed: 依赖,依靠

[+ ing form of verb]

The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.

I rely on you for good advice.

[+ to infinitive]

I'm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.

2) to trust someone or sth. or to expect them to behave in a particular way:

British weather can never be relied on - it's always changing.

[+ ing form of verb]

Don't rely on finding me here when you get back (= I might have gone).

2. He thinks I need to arrange to spend more time working on my basketball skills.(P26)他认为我应该安排更多的时间练习我篮球的技能。


vi. & vt. to plan or prepare for; to organize:

I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.

The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.

[+ to infinitive] They arranged to have dinner the following month.

I've already arranged with him to meet at the cinema.

She's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.

[+ that] I'd deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time.

[+ question word] We haven't yet arranged when to meet.

3. Whichever way I look at it, I'll never be really be good at anything unless I quit doing