Unit 4 sharing 知识点学案(2)
13 privilege 特权,优惠
① enjoy privileges 享受特权
② have the privilege of...有...特权
③ as a special privilege 作为特别许可
④ by special privilege 根据特权
14 wonder
(1) v 想知道,想弄明白,琢磨
I wonder who she is. I was just beginning to wonder where you were. 正琢磨
(2) 礼貌地提问或请人做事时说
I wonder if you can help me. I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party.
(3) wonder at sth 感到诧异,非常惊讶
She wondered at her own stupidity. 她没想到自己竟会这样愚蠢。
(4) n 惊奇,惊叹,惊讶
She gazed down in wonder at the city spread below her. 她俯视展现在眼前的城市,惊叹不已。
(5) n奇观,奇迹,奇事,奇妙之处
The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world. 科罗拉多大峡谷...
(6) 能人,奇才,有特效的东西
Jim, you're a wonder! I would never have thought of doing that.我从来想不到该那样做。
It's a wonder (that) ...令人惊奇的是...,莫名其妙的是...
It's a wonder that more people weren't hurt.
(It's) little/small/ no wonder (that)... 难怪..., 不足为奇,并不奇怪
It is little wonder (that) she was upset.
No wonder you're tired, you have been walking for hours. 难怪你累了,你一直走了好几个小时。
15 possession "有,所有,拥有,占有"其复数形式possessions "财产,财富"
take possession of 拥有,占有,占领 have possession of sth 占有/拥有某物
get possession of 拿到,占有,占领 in possession of 占有某物
in one's possession = in the possession of sb 某物为某人所占有/持有
His possession of knowledge made him rich.
He is a man of great possessions. (富人)
After the war he lost all his possessions. How did you get possession of it ? (得到) He is said to be in possession of...
Their land was taken possession_________by some white people and they reasoned_________them . (reason with 规劝,和某人讲道理)
A of , with B with , with C to , to D of , about
16 relevant 有关的,切题的 relevant to sb/sth
His nationality isn't relevant to whether he's a good lawyer. (国籍)
His words aren't relevant to what we should discuss.
We'd better pay attention to the relevant details.