《Module1 Unit2 We bought ice creams》教学设计免费下载
《Module1 Unit2 We bought ice creams》教学设计免费下载第1页

Module 1

unit 2 We bought ice creams

Teaching goals:

知识与技能:学生能够听懂、会读Listen and say中pastcard的内容并独立完成文后的read and answer;在教师或小组长的帮助下完成read and answer;

能够完成后续的书写练习;以小组合作互助的形式完成书写练习;启发学生对句型Did .... ?的思考和认识,能将句型运用的实际的生活当中。

过程与方法:在具体情景中正确运用Did they ...?句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况作出应答的交际能力。


Importances and difficuilties:

  能听懂,并认读Let's read表述的信件的内容;能用Did they... ?来询问别人,Yes,they did ./No,they didn't.来应答。

Teaching steps

Step 1. Warm-up

1、 Greeting:

T: Good morning ,boys and girls .

Ps: Good morning,teacher .

 2、listen a song《The London Eye》

Step 2. Lead-in

T:Ling ling was in London with Sam and Amy. She send a postcard to Daming and told him what she did yesterday.

1、Learn Did they .. ?

Yes,they did .

T: let's listen and think.(CAI)Q1,Can you read?

Ps: Did Lingling phone you yesterday?

T: right.And the meaning ?


T:good.A sticker for you .Q2 ,who can try it?

P2:Did she send you an email ?

T: super.follow her/him.And the meaning ?