2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit19 Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop V学案设计(11页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit19 Section Ⅲ  Communication Workshop V学案设计(11页word版)第1页

  2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit19 Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop V学案设计




  1.embarrass a.to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record

  2.punctual b.to (cause something to) become firmly

  fixed together, or in position, or closed

  3.amateur c.arriving, doing something or happening at the expected, correct time; not late

  4.fasten d.an official rule or the act of controlling

  5.regulation e.taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job 

  6.register f.to cause someone to feel nervous, worried or uncomfortable

  答案:1~6 fcebda


  1.certificate n. 证书;证明

  2.candidate n. 候选人

  3.diagram n. 图解;图表

  4.sincerely adv. 真诚地

  5.personnel n. 全体职员

  6.applicant n.申请人→application n.申请→apply v.申请;使用

  7.competence n. 能力→competent adj.胜任的,有能力的

  8.globe n.地球→global adj.全球的,全世界的

  9.academy n.学院;学会→academic adj.学术的


  1.look forward to     渴望......,盼望......

  2.(to) put (it) simply 简单地说

  3.focus on 集中于

  4.in advance 提前,预先

  5.sign up 报名

  6.varieties of ... 各种各样的......

  7.in addition 另外

8.save up 储蓄