

Unit 1 The written word (Module 8)


1. This makes them difficult for some people to read, and often, the classics are left to gather dust on shelves. 这使一些人阅读起来有困难,经典文学作品常常被遗忘在书架上尘封。

▲ make + 宾语 + adj. + (for sb.) to do

 Too many new words make the passage difficult for children to read.

▲ 也可以转换成:make + it + adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

 Too many new words make it difficult for children to read the passage.

2. I don't think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today. 我想这些经典小说如果与现代生活毫无关系的话,是不会被改编成电影的。

▲ I don't think that ... 形式上否定主句,而实际上否定that从句,注意其反义疑问句的构成, 与从句一致。

 I don't think he will come, will he? 我认为他不会来,是不是?

▲ make...into... 把...变成...

We can make this room into a study.

The success of the film made her into a star overnight 这部电影的成功使她一夜成名。

3. He died in 1870 and his tomb reads "By his death, one of England's greatest writers is lost to the world.


▲ read vi. 写着...; 内容是... = say

The sign reads "No admittance". 告示牌上写着 "禁止入内"。

 I saw a sign in front of the shop reading / which read "No admittance."

4. Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension or deeper meaning to the text.


▲ add .... to ... 把 ... 加到... 上

Would you please add these names to your list?

▲ The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气只是增加了我们的困难。

▲ Add up all the money I owe you. 把我欠你的钱全部加起来。

▲ Abraham Lincoln's whole education added up to no more than one year. (总计)

5. The fortune sets him free from financial worries. 这笔钱使他不用为经济问题担忧。

▲ set...free (from ...) 使....获得自由; 使...没有束缚

The angry people overthrew the government and set themselves free from the cruel rulers.


▲ be free from noise / wind / care 不受噪音干扰/无风/无忧无虑