【成功之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修五:Module5 Section 1
【成功之路】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修五:Module5 Section 1第1页


 perform an experiment/operation 做实验/手术

 perform one's duty/promise履行职责/诺言

 The students are performing an experiment. 学生们正在做一个实验。

 He is sure to perform his promise. 他肯定会履行诺言。


 The engine seems to be performing well. 发动机似乎运转正常。

 performance n.表演;表现;性能;执行;履行

 give a performance 演出

 put on performances 演出

 They will give a performance/put on performances at the theater.


 performer n.表演者

2. advantage [C;U] 优势,优点,长处,有利条件

disadvantage n.(反义词)不利条件

1)take advantage of对......加以利用;乘机利用

take (full) advantage of

 make full use of

 make the best of

2) win/have/get/gain an/the advantage over/of 胜过;优于

(P42)...and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals---they were cheaper.

3) to one's advantage 对某人有利

4) be of advantage to 对......有利

 Take advantage of class time,or you will miss most of what the teacher says.


Her teaching experience gave her a big advantage over the other applicants for the job. 她的教学经历使她比起其他求职者具有更大的优势。

 Yao Ming has an advantage over other players in playing basketball.


 The type of cellphone has a big advantage over that one.


 It would be to your advantage to prepare questions in advance.


3. guarantee

(P42) The success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly.