2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Word power, Grammar and usage & Task
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语必修3优化教案:Unit  2  Section Ⅲ  Word power, Grammar and usage & Task第1页



先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 1.There are many situations in everyday life where informal English is allowed or even preferred ...

在日常生活中有许多场合可以使用非正式英语,非正式英语甚至更受欢迎...... where引导的是限制性定语从句,其先行词是抽象名词。 Noise is coming to the point where we can't put up with it.

噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步了。; 2.When you are late for a small meeting, there is no need to say 'sorry'.

当你开小会迟到时,没有必要说"抱歉"。 there is no need for sb.to do sth."某人没必要做某事"。 Everything is fine with me; there_is_no_need for you to be concerned.

一切都好,你不用牵挂。 3.It seems that if people learn something about other cultures before they visit a new country ...

看起来好像人们如果在参观一个新国家之前学习一些关于其他文化的知识...... It seems that ... "似乎......"。 It_seems_that young people are more interested in pop music.






  1.(教材P28)We cannot leave out the question words in noun clauses.


  leave out 遗漏,删去;不考虑,忽视;不包括,不提及

  leave for        动身前去

  leave alone 不管,不理,不干涉

  leave aside 不予考虑,搁置一边

  leave behind 留下,落下,遗忘

①In copying this document, be careful not to leave out any words.