2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5 Ethnic Culture Period 6 Reading Practice教案设计(1页word版)
2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5 Ethnic Culture Period 6  Reading Practice教案设计(1页word版)第1页

2019学年度外研版选修七Module 5 Ethnic Culture Period 6 Reading Practice教案设计


● To learn experience from the story No Problem

● To observe and master the use of new words and important phrases


Step 1: Warming up by telling the main idea of the passage

Today we will read a short newspaper report.

Two Englishmen got a flat tyre in the middle of the jungle last week. They didn't know what to do, as they were a long way from habitation. A local woman found them and took them to her home for tea. Some time later a young man arrived. He had a mobile phone and they called the garage. They took twenty minutes to come.

Next let's learn it in detail.

Step 2: Before you read

First let us read the new words in the passage.

hammer; foolish; lame; hop; tyre; firm; jungle; soul; in the distance; ox; spear; garment; sleeve; necklace; jewellery; set off; arch; rigid; framework; fasten; loose; fibre; corn; spade; tool; chick; rooster; fold; adjust; furnish; mat; teapot; bare; waist; widow; nephew; garage; awkward; pierce; rainbow

Step 3: While you read

While you are reading, think about what is the writer's intention.

(a) to describe a meeting between travelers and villagers in the jungle.

(b) to draw attention to the dangers of traveling in the jungle.

(c) to describe life in a remote village in the jungle.

(d) to show in an amusing way how mobile phones can be found in the most isolated places.

Step 4: After you read

Turn to page 68 and finish Activity 4 and 5.

For reference 1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c)

Complete the sentences in your own words. (Activity 5.)

For reference

1. The region they were traveling through was remote because they had driven for ten hours without seeing anyone.

2. The old woman was a local because she was wearing traditional clothes.

3. The writer didn't speak her language because he spoke to her in English.

4. The man in the photo was probably her son or nephew because he was too young to be her husband.

5. The man suggested they wait by the car because the people from the garage were coming in twenty minutes.