2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案:Unit 11 Section 4
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案:Unit 11 Section 4第1页





  1.tobacco n.烟草,烟叶

  2.false adj. 错误的,不正确的

  3.interrupt vt.& vi.打断(某人的讲话或动作);打扰

  4.editor n.编辑,剪辑者→edit v.编辑→edition n.版;版本

  5.harmful adj.有害的→harm n.& v.伤害→harmfully adv.有害地

  6.faithfully adv.忠实地,真诚地→faithful adj.忠实的→faith n.信任,信条


  7.false    a.不真诚的;错误的

  8.ahead b.皇家的;王室的

  9.somehow c.部分

  10.royal d.在前面

  11.section e.不知怎的;以某种方式

  12.version f.版本

  答案:7~12 adebcf


  13.The large factory employed lots of workers, which reduced the local unemployment.(employ)

  14.This aroused people's concerns for the environment and for the moment the environmental problem became the focus of the public.(environment)

  15.Laws have been passed for animals that need protecting.(protect)


  1.be against    反对

  2.go ahead with 开始做,着手干

  3.even though 即使,纵然

  4.have an effect on 对......有影响

5.take action 采取措施