



  1.Due to bad management, company profits have been declining (下降) over the last three years.

  2.All important problems must be submitted (提交) to the committee for discussion.

  3.Unfortunately, the disaster robbed (使丧失) him of his left leg.

  4.Under such circumstances (情形), it is no wonder that they experience difficulties.

  5.The boys equipped (装备) themselves with food and water, and set off.

  6.My house is being painted, so I have to stay in a temporary (临时的) one.

  7.There is growing concern (担忧) about the effects of pollution on health.

  8.With such a short time left before the deadline (最后日期), it is unlikely for John to finish the job on time.

  9.We go and do the_weekly (每周一次的) shopping every Thursday morning.

  10.Mark received a large fortune (财产) when his uncle died.


  1.I thought her nice and honest for the first time I met her.去掉for

  2.The number of tourists to France has declined to 70% since the Olympic Torch Relay in Paris.第二个to→by

  3.Can you give a detailed account of the equipments?equipments→equipment

  4.He was arrested for robbing a bank lots of money.bank后加of

  5.He made fortune in the gold fields of South Africa.made后加a

  6.This was the second time that I have gone back to my hometown.was→is_或have→had


  on the other hand, rob sb.of ..., at any rate, at times, return to normal, in the case of, to be honest, in any circumstances

1.They knocked me down and_robbed me of my wallet.