【夯实双基】2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案:Unit1《The written word》Project1
【夯实双基】2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8教案:Unit1《The written word》Project1第1页

Unit 1 The written word

Project 1

Teaching aims:

  After finishing the lesson, the students will enhance their skill of analyzing and solving problems.

  After finishing the lesson, the students will be able to collaborate with others.

  After finishing the lesson, the students will be able to recite a poem.

  After finishing the lesson, the students will be able to develop love and passion for poetry.

Teaching aids:

1. PPT

2. blackboard

3. a computer with network available for each student

4. a PDF document for students to fill

Teaching preparation:

  Before the day of the class, require the students to find some poems which are to be presented during the class time. (The teacher might also encourage them to create their own ones)

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Poems Sharing

(PPT Page 6)

  Someone has several poems to share with us today.


We also encourage love poems created by you.


  Presenting poems freely


After so many nice poems, I would like to introduce something you guys like! -something that is helping chase your Mr. /Mrs. Right