三年级下册外研版英语《Module2 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载
三年级下册外研版英语《Module2 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载第1页

That man is short.


目标 1.知识目标:全体学生能够初步运用:That/This...is ...tall/short/big/small描述事物。全体学生能理解和初步运用:man, short, tall, small, thin, big表示事物特征的词汇。

2.能力目标:全体学生能够听,说,读That/This...is ...tall/short/big/small.


3.情感目标:通过模仿动物叫声体会英语的学习的乐趣。 重点 听说读单词tall short big small fat thin 难点 掌握语言:This monkey is small and thin .That monkey is big and fat . 教法 游戏教学法,小组竞赛法,问答法 教具 录音机,单词卡片,图片 教

程 Step1.Warming up

  1. Greeting

  2. Sing the song "Old Macdonald has a zoo"



1. T:Look at the blackboard.(讲授 look at)


    T:What's this? S:It's a tiger.

T:What are they? S: They are tigers.

T: Can you describe this tiger?

S: It's big (or small)板书: big----small

2. (1) 出示卡通树

    T: What are they? (板书:trees)