2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit14教案Communication Workshop
2018-2019学年北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit14教案Communication Workshop第1页

Communication Workshop


1. Teaching goals:

1) To get students to practice writing a letter of application.

2) To train students to practice using linking words expressing cause and addition.

2. Ability goals:

1) To develop students' writing ability.

2) To develop students' cooperative learning ability

3) To develop students' autonomous learning ability

3. Teaching important points:

1) To get students to grasp how to write a letter of application.

2) To get students to learn how to use linking words expressing cause and addition.

4 Teaching difficult points:

To write the letter of application in proper words and sentences.

5 Teaching methods:

Cooperative learning and task-oriented learning

6 Teaching aids: compute rand slide projector

Teaching procedure

Step 1 Pre-task

Task 1 Review the words about personalities.

Task 2 Get the students to read an advertisement and get the students to talk about what personalities are suitable for the jobs.

Step 2 During-task

Task 1.Read the letter and answer the following questions.

1) What reasons does Li Meiling give for applying for the job?

2) What evidence does she give to show that:

a) She is hard-working and committed?

b) She gets on well with people from different backgrounds?

She would be a good reporter?