英语:Units 17-18期末复习学案(旧人教版高二下)
英语:Units 17-18期末复习学案(旧人教版高二下)第1页

英语:Units 17-18期末复习学案(旧人教版高二下)



单元 考查重点及热点 Unit 17 单词 disability sidewalk r potential guidance gifted assist sympathy visual adjust candy niece ceremony victory dignity participate conduct accessible 短语 get around get used to more than every four years at times belong to 句型 1. as it is照现状2. It's time. . . 该做某事了3. more A than B 与其说B不如A Unit 18 单词 vest heel patent officer petrol background reject possibility otherwise connection previous aware trial rider dusty pilot storage glue typewriter 短语 allow for get stuck break away from be aware of trial and error after all keep track of less than throw away let out by hand 句型 1. now that. . . 既然...... 2. Sb. be said to do. . . 据说......; 人们说...... 理解:要点诠释


1. assist

讲:v. 帮助; 援助; 协助

例: He often assists me financially. 他常在经济上帮我。

She assisted ________________ her lesson. 她帮助妹妹做功课。

  We will ____________________ somewhere to live. 我们将帮你找个住的地方。


(1)assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事 (2)assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

(3)assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 (4)assist in(doing) sth. 帮助某事

练:He offered to__________________ in repairing my computer.

A. help B. aid C. provide D. assist