2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson2 The Paparazzi第二课时
2019-2020学年北师大版高一英语必修4精品教案:Unit11 Lesson2 The Paparazzi第二课时第1页


Second period



1. 运用已学词汇和功能用语表达个人的观点和看法;

2. 在新的语境中运用所学词汇和功能用语进行表达。


注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work


Steps 教学活动

Activities 设计意图

Intentions 互动模式和时间

 IP & Time Review Step 1 T shows pictures and the paragraphs to review the words learned in the first period.

T checks the answers after the Ss' discussion. (PPT 3-5) 帮助学生回忆第一课时所学的内容,复习相关词汇。 CW

3' Pre-listening Step 2 T asks Ss to express their opinions about the paparazzi.

T gives the listening task to Ss. (P.25 Ex. 6) 复习和巩固已学内容,激活背景知识,熟悉话题。布置听力任务。 IW -- CW

5' While-listening Step 3 First listening: Ss listen to the discussion between Katy and James and Ss decide which of them expresses the opinions.

T checks the answers.

(PPT 6-7) 第一遍听,运用听力策略,听主旨大意,关注两个人的不同意见。 IW - PW
