2019届译林版高考英语必修四课堂讲义:Unit 1 单元加餐练(一、二) Word版含答案
2019届译林版高考英语必修四课堂讲义:Unit 1 单元加餐练(一、二) Word版含答案第1页

  单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


  While shopping for some toys for my grand­kids as Christmas gifts, I saw a little boy about five holding a lovely doll at the corner. He kept __1__ her hair and he held her so gently, appearing as if __2__ to pay for the doll.

  When __3__ who the doll was for, he said, "It is the doll my sister wanted so __4__ for Christmas." I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the __5__ eyes and said, "She has gone to be with Jesus. She was killed in a(n) __6__. My Daddy says that mamma is going to have to go be with her." My heart nearly stopped __7__. I suddenly remembered a __8__ in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver __9__ a car and killing a little girl and the mother was in serious __10__. This boy was likely to belong to this __11__ family.

  I gave the boy a handful of __12__ to pay for the doll. He grew __13__ and said, "Thank you Jesus for giving me enough money. He __14__ my prayer (祈祷). He gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for my mamma. She loves white roses so very, very much."

  Two days later I read in the paper that the young woman had __15__. I couldn't help but __16__ some white roses and took them to the funeral home (殡仪馆) where the young mother was.

  And there she was __17__ a lovely white rose and the beautiful doll. I left there __18__, my life changed forever. The __19__ that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was __20__. And in just a second that damned drunk driver had broken the life of that little boy into pieces.


  1.A.pulling         B.touching

  C.picking D.removing

  解析:选B 他不断地用手抚摸洋娃娃的头发,轻轻地抱着她。touch"抚摸"。

  2.A.unable B.unusual

  C.unkind D.unhappy

  解析:选A 根据下文孩子自己的说法,他买不起洋娃娃。unable"不能的";unusual"不一般的";unkind"不友善的";unhappy"不高兴的"。根据语境要求,选A。

3.A.asked B.answered