2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅴ单元语法突破 学案设计(5页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅴ单元语法突破 学案设计(5页word版)第1页

2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅴ单元语法突破 学案设计



1.I didn't see your sister at the meeting.If she    (come) she would have met my brother.

答案:had come

2.Without electricity,human life       (be) quite different.

答案:would be

3.If i t had not been for the snow,we       (climb) the mountain yesterday.

答案:could have climbed

4.If I hadn't had your help,I       (not finish) the work ahead of time.

答案:wouldn't have finished

5.The conference wouldn't have been so successful if we   (not make) adequate preparations.

答案:hadn't made

6.If he      (take) his doctor's advice,he might still be alive.

答案:had taken

7.If he    (be) free,he would help us.


8.If I       (see) the film,I would have told you about it.

答案:had seen

9.You didn't let me drive.If we    (drive) in turn, you wouldn't have got so tired.

答案:had driven

10.If he       (come) here, he would tell us about it.

答案:were to come/came/should come


1.Mark     have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived an hour earlier.


2.You     park here! It's an emergency exit.


3.Just be patient.You     expect the world to change so soon.


4.-    I take the book out?

-I'm afraid not.


5.Lifting off at sunrise, the hot air balloon goes wherever the wind     blow.


6.-This dish is really delicious.    you please say it in Chinese?

-Sure, we call it "doufu".


7.Johnny's uncle promises that the boy     get a nice pre sent on Christmas