2019-2020学年北师大版高一必修3英语精品教案:Unit9 Communication Workshop
2019-2020学年北师大版高一必修3英语精品教案:Unit9 Communication Workshop第1页

Unit 9 Wheels

Communication Workshop教案


■ To practise making notes of the important information from a reading text.

■ To practise using collocations.

■ To prepare for a speaking activity and to participate in discussion.

■ To discuss suggestions.

■ To write a report.

■ To use addition and contrast linking words.

■ To listen to and understand a song.

Resources used

Cassette, Writing Help 3.


John Denver (1943-1997) was a popular country and folk singer. He wrote and sang many worldwide hits (including Leaving on a Jet Plane) and his albums sold millions. He also did a lot of charity work for underprivileged children and campaigned for ecological causes. He died in a plane crash.

Routes through the material

. If you are short of time, set some of the written exercises for homework.

. If you have time, do the Option Activity.

. If you have two lessons for this unit, a suitable natural break is after the Speaking activity.

Language Power: pages 86-87.

Speaking: A Discussion

Before you start

Exercise 1

■ Advise students to read through the text quickly to get a general idea of the content before filling in as many gaps as they can.

■ Students compare their answers in pairs before listening to the cassette to check their answers.


1 main 2 through 3 accidents 4 lorry 5 pollution 6 dirty

7 damaged 8 traffic jam 9 park 10 shoppers


Presenter: And here is this week's County Report. At a council meeting yesterday, Ludford's traffic problems were discussed. The main problem is the A49 road, which goes right through the town.

There have been several serious accidents recently―last week two children were killed by a lorry near the school. A report last year also showed that air pollution from traffic is increasing and the old buildings in the town are getting dirty and damaged.

There is a terrible traffic jam every morning at Ludford Bridge and there's nowhere to park in the centre. Because of the traffic, shoppers are going to other towns and local shops are closing down.

Exercise 2

■ Students work in pairs, studying the map and matching the words to the numbers on the map.


a) 3/4 b) 7/8 c) 5/6 d) 1/2