2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修7优化教案:Unit 1 Section Ⅴ Project
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修7优化教案:Unit  1  Section Ⅴ Project第1页






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  To phone or not to phone?

  In the USA, the Amish - a Christian① group - are famous because they drive carriages② instead of③ cars, do not use TVs or refrigerators④, and do not have personal telephones. Many people assume⑤ the Amish must have religious⑥ reasons for⑦ their many rules, but this is not true. In truth⑧, whenever a new technology is introduced⑨, the Amish meet and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. They then vote⑩ on whether they will accept it⑪. The Amish reject⑫cars because they like having tight⑬ communities where everyone lives close together⑭. They have no TVs or refrigerators because their homes do not have electricity - they do not think it⑮ is necessary and dislike dealing⑯ with⑰ strangers, such as the people who work at the electric company⑱.

  Since the Amish value⑲ seeing each other face to face⑳, they oppose\s\up1(21(21) having telephones in their houses. However, in each community there is often a small building that has a telephone for emergencies\s\up1(22(22).

  The telephone is very convenient for\s\up1(23(23) communication, and most people in the world today cannot live without it\s\up1(24(24). However, maybe the Amish have a valid\s\up1(25(25) point. Which is more of a friend, someone you often talk to over the phone or someone you often talk to face to face\s\up1(26(26)?And, if you need help, who can help you better, someone far away\s\up1(27(27) or someone in the room with you? There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be found over a telephone wire\s\up1(28(28).

①Christian/'krIstʃən/ adj.(信奉)基督教的 n.基督徒

 a Christian group是the Amish的同位语。

②carriage/'kærIdʒ/ n.四轮马车;(火车)车厢

③instead of代替,而不是,连接两个对等成分。

④refrigerator/rI'frIdʒəreItə(r)/ n.冰箱

⑤assume (that) 假定,假设,认为

⑥religious/rI'lIdʒəs/ adj.宗教的,宗教信仰的

⑦reasons for ... ......的原因

⑧in truth 的确,事实上(=in reality)


⑩vote/vəʊt/ vi. & vt.投票,选举,表决 n.选票;选举,表决

 vote on 就......投票


⑫reject/rI'dʒekt/ vt.拒绝,拒收

⑬tight/taIt/ adj.亲密的,紧密的



⑯dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事

⑰deal with打交道;处理


⑲value v.珍视,认为......有价值

⑳face to face 面对面(在句中作状语)


\s\up1(21(21)oppose/ə'pəʊz/ vt.反对,抵制,阻挠;与......竞争

 oppose doing sth.反对做某事

\s\up1(22(22)that引导定语从句,修饰a small building。

\s\up1(23(23)be convenient for 对......方便的

\s\up1(24(24)not/never ... without ...是双重否定句,意为"没有......就不能够......"。

\s\up1(25(25)valid/'vælId/ adj.符合逻辑的,合理的,有根据的;(法律上)有效的

\s\up1(26(26)you often talk to over the phone和you often talk to face to face均是定语从句,均修饰各自的先行词someone。

\s\up1(27(27)far away"遥远的",在此处作后置定语。

\s\up1(28(28)that引导定语从句,修饰something,但被important about being ... life隔开了,这是分隔式定语从句。