2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8学案设计:Unit1 新
2018-2019学年译林版高二英语选修8学案设计:Unit1 新第1页



1.-What do you think of the songs?

-As a matter of fact, __________of them sounds beautiful.

A. no one B. not all  C. not every one D. not everyone

答案:C 由谓语动词sounds可知,不能选择not all。A、D两项后不能接of 短语。

2.We've just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is __________ to come this evening.

A. likely B. possible C. probable D. believable

答案:A likely 侧重从表面看,某事很有可能发生,与probable 意思相近。既可用人也可用物作主语。常用句式为:It is likely that 从句;sb.be likely to do sth.不能说:It is likely for sb.to do sth.。possible 强调客观上有可能性,但也常常暗示"实际上希望很小",常用的句式为"It is possible for sb. to do sth."或"It is possible+that从句";作表语时不能用人作主语。probable"大概,很可能"的意味,语气较possible强。常用的句式为"It is probable+从句";作表语时,不用人或不定式作主语。

3.He urged us to __________ this splendid opportunity to develop our movie industry.

A. escape B. grasp C. ensure D. master

答案:B grasp this splendid opportunity抓住这次腾飞的机会。

4.Since then many Chinese movies have won various awards. Meanwhile, movies made in Taiwan and Hong Kong have __________ international fame.

A. accepted B. created C. achieved D. developed

答案:C achieve赢得;取得。句意为"自从那时起很多中国电影赢得各种奖项。同时,由台湾和香港拍摄的电影也赢得了国际声誉"。

5.The scientists are making great efforts to find out a new way __________ improving rice production.

A. applying to B. having applied to C. applied to  D. applied

答案:C apply a new way to improving rice production把新的方法应用到提高大米产量。applied to improving rice production 是过去分词短语作后置定语,表被动,相当于which is applied...。

6.-What an amazing film! It's the most interesting film I've ever seen.

-But I'm sure it won't interest __________.

A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody  D. nobody

答案:C but一词引出了与上句相反的观点,"我肯定它不会使所有人都感兴趣"。

7.Don't worry. I've __________ a car to pick up the guests at the station at 6 o'clock.

A. arranged B. arranged for C. prepared D. prepared for

答案:B arrange for sb./sth.to do安排......做......。句意为"别着急。我将安排一辆车6点钟去车站接客人"。

8.I don't think Jack is a man to __________ when we are in trouble and need his help.

A. rely B. be relied C. rely on D. be relied on

答案:D rely on sb.依靠某人(=depend on )。句中rely on 同a man之间存在被动关系。

9.The view he __________ at the sales meeting last night sounds a little reasonable.

A. took down  B. put forward C. took off D. made up

答案:B "他提出的那看法",表"提出"应用put forward。

10.When the teacher told the students they would have three days' vacation, they