外研版 四年级下册M1U2 He's cool.教案
外研版 四年级下册M1U2 He's cool.教案第2页

T:This class we'll learn M1U2He's cool.Cool is an adjectives. So in this class,we're going to use adjectives to describe a person. After learning, you can try to introduce your family member .

Step3:Text learning

1. Listen to the tape, try to find Panpan's family member.

S:aunt ,uncle,big brother, little sister ,father, friend.

2.Listen again,then answer question:

T:How does Panpan describe his family member?

S:nice, clever,cool,cute(学习新单词) naughty

2. listen and repeat,then read in groups.

3. Ask some students to read the text.

4. Now close your books,and look at the picture on the blackboard.

T:Look at Panpan 's mother.

S: She's very nice.

(通过挂图总结出Pan Pan 家里成员的特点。)



2.Students talk about their familys .

This is ...

She /He is ....

