2018-2019学年高二英语人教版选修6学案:Unit 5 单元小结 Word版含解析
2018-2019学年高二英语人教版选修6学案:Unit 5 单元小结 Word版含解析第2页

  popular girls. 1 I thought, "It's okay; she's just making new friends." But soon I realized that Trisha wasn't interested in me anymore. I'd 2 my best friend. It really hurt.

  One day, I told Trisha that we should 3 pretending (假装) to be friends when we really weren't anymore. I wasn't trying to make her mad, 4 she was. After that, Trisha started talking about me behind my back, telling people that I was 5 . Some of our friends 6 with her. I felt like she was taking them away from me.

  The more I thought about it, the 7 I got. Finally, I 8 a picture of Trisha and drew lines on her face. I wrote, "I 9 this person" across the bottom. And then I did something I'll always 10 : I put it on a website I thought was 11 . I thought people would see it, and it felt good to vent (发泄).

  A week later, Trisha's mom saw the 12 . She called my mom, who made me take it off the website right away. However, it was already too 13 . Lots of people had seen it, and I was in a lot of 14 .

  That whole day, I felt 15 . I had to say sorry to Trisha face to face. She said she accepted my apology (道歉), but I felt she was 16 angry with me.

  Posting that picture was one of the worst 17 I've ever made. I realize now I could have found a much better way to deal with my 18 . If I'd just told Trisha how much I 19 her, maybe things would have turned out 20 . It's too late for me to change things, but I hope you'll learn from my mistake.


  1.A.At least        B.At first

  C.In general D.In public

  解析:选B 根据下文中的"But soon I realized that"可知,作者"一开始(At first)"觉得Trisha是在结交新朋友,可以接受。

  2.A.lost B.met

  C.found D.made

  解析:选A 根据上一句中的"Trisha wasn't interested in me anymore"可知,作者的好朋友不再对她感兴趣,因此作者"失去了(lost)"这个好朋友。

  3.A.enjoy B.suggest

  C.stop D.continue

解析:选C 作者告诉Trisha,既然她们已经不再是朋友,因此也应该"不再继续(stop)"假装是朋友。