2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4优化学案:Module 2 课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading — Language Points
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修4优化学案:Module 2  课时跟踪练(二)  Introduction & Reading —  Language Points第3页

  It was one of those cold winter nights in the Haight district of San Francisco. I was driving an eyesore (难看的东西) that could only be __1__ as a "car" by someone who was either a shameless liar or a good friend.

  It was a __2__ car to drive because you had to keep your fingers and toes crossed to keep the engine running. I tried to imagine I was driving a huge clumsy __3__; that way I didn't __4__ the slow speed.

  That night I must have uncrossed my fingers to scratch something. The car __5__ in the middle of a four­lane stretch of Oak Street. I __6__ for a place to turn off, but the street was lined with parked cars.

  There I sat, in __7__ evening traffic, as tons of steel and plastic screamed by. In my rearview mirror I saw a pair of headlights __8__ and stop behind me. I knew what was coming. Soon the horn would start and someone would be __9__ at me. But I was __10__.

  A stranger got out of the car and came to my __11__. He shouted, "Do you want a __12__?"

  I was surprised but must have __13__ in the affirmative (确定). He __14__ to his car and two teens piled out to apply themselves to my bumper (保险杠). When I was __15__ delivered to a side street, they got back into their car and rejoined the sea of __16__. I didn't get to __17__ them.

  Over the years I've realized something about the __18__ who stopped to help. I've noticed that every time I'm in __19__, he appears. The one true thing in this world is an unasked __20__ provided by a stranger.


  1.A.laughed at         B.referred to

  C.looked down D.talked about

  解析:选B 根据语境,作者驾驶的老爷车十分难看,只有少数的人会把它当作汽车。refer to sth. as"把......当作......"符合语境。

  2.A.difficult B.beautiful

  C.funny D.special

  解析:选A 从下文作者要把手指和脚趾的劲都用上来驾驶车辆可知,他的车很难开。

  3.A.truck B.elephant

  C.cow D.snail

解析:选D 从后文的I didn't __4__ the slow speed可知,作者试图把自己的车想