【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 1
【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 1第2页

5 Opinion 6 Opinion 7 Fact

1. Ask students to listen to a recording about RealCine and finish Part B.


1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Opinion 4 Fact

5 Opinion 6 Opinion


Step 3 Step 1: completing a note sheet(PPT page 10-11,鼠标点击,显示任务要求及答案)

1. Ask students to read the letter on page 54 and underline the sentences which show the facts of the computer room and the opinion of the writer. Then ask them to complete the note sheet below.


  Name of the student: Cao Ying

  Class: Senior High 1

  Date of visit to computer room: Sunday, 2nd March.

  Time: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

  Computer number: PC No. 7

Problems with computer: the keyboard had letters missing, the mouse wouldn't move the cursor around the screen properly, would not print

Solution tried: tried other PCs, but they were in worse condition

Other Problems: old and slow, often crash, not connected to the Internet, can only run one program at on time, many keyboards with missing letters, mouses not working properly

Comments: need to have new computers

【设计说明】让学生在语篇中寻找与Fact和Opinion相关的句子,进一步训练学生区分两者的的能力。同时也通过阅读一封学生来信,初步了解Computer room中存在的设备老旧的问题,为完成后续任务收集必要的信息。学生在读完文章后,把找到的信息填入Note sheet中,这样可以检验学生是否已经收集到必要信息。

Step 4 Skill building 2: asking for information

Ask students to read the guidelines and the first five points on page 55, and answer the following question:

  What information is needed when you are interviewing someone?


Time, frequency, reasons, problems and recommendation for improvement are needed when we are interviewing someone.

1. Ask students to read the questions given in this part to know how to ask for the above information. Have students to practice asking each other the questions if necessary.

2. Ask students to work in pairs and complete the exercise on page 55.


1 When 2 How often 3 Why 4 What problem

5 What