三年级下册外研版英语《Module1 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载
三年级下册外研版英语《Module1 Unit2》教案教学设计免费下载第2页

初步运用:. What's your favourite---? My favourite ----- is -------. Here you are.


Step 1: warm-up

1.Greet to students


3.watch a video and review

T:Look, who is he?

S:He is Panpan.

T: Today, our friend, Panpan, will have a magic trick to show for you. Let's see what kind of magic trick he will play.

(播放课文listen, point and say的视频)

Quick response


设计意图:通过视听法,视频的播放调动学生多方面的感官,且魔术生动有趣,易于激起学生的兴趣和积极性。Quick response的活动可以复习先前学过的单词。

Step 2:presentation

1. listen and answer the following question: what's Sam's favourite color?

T: who is he?Do you wants to know Sam's favourite color? Guess.



T: Now let's listen and find out what Sam's favourite color is .

2.look and say 呈现图片,引导学生说出句子

Help students make sentences:

His favourite animal is monkey.

His favourite song is ABC song.

Her favourtie food is cake.

Her favourite letter is E.

T: Here you are(give a sticker to the student who have the right answer)

Student: Thank you.

T:Great. You are very polite. Boys and girls, when you give something to somebody, you should deliver things with your both hands.