2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 19 Communication Workshop学案设计(5页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 19 Communication Workshop学案设计(5页word版)第2页

  7.I would prefer to stay at home and read a book rather than to go outside.去掉第二个to

  8.There are varieties of celebration on Christmas.celebration→celebrations


  provided that, focus on, sign up, varieties of, save up, in advance, look forward to, to put it simply

  1.To_put_it_simply,_I won't give you my things anymore.

  2.The factory attempted to take on more young women, but few signed_up.

  3.To catch the early flight, we ordered a taxi in_advance and got up very early.

  4.Provided_that I have a knowledge of English, I won't trouble you with such an easy question.

  5.I would appreciate it if you could tell me more information about the activity.I'm looking_forward_to receiving your earliest reply.

  6.The public have focused their attention on the soaring prices of everyday goods.

  7.Actually, there are varieties_of activities for us to relax ourselves, such as doing sports or listening to music.

  8.It took me a year to save_up for a new car.


  任何人想要申请(apply for)这份工作都需要有高水平的英语能力(English competence)。我的表现符合经理的要求。一方面(for one thing),我的英语很好;另一方面(for another),我可靠而且准时(punctual)。我期待(look forward to)得到这份新工作。




Spelling in the English language can be tricky, funny, or confusing.Case in point: Why does the abbreviation (缩写词) "Mrs." have an "R" when the full word "missus"